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 Rost Pork


First you start with of the large Pork Loin. Pick the loin with the most fat on it, the reason is that pork is a very lean meat it has no marbling in the muscle so we need to have it on the outside.  Rinse off the pork roast and dry then rub it with some olive oil, olive oil is a good oil you don't need to skimp on the use of it. With a very sharp knife score off the fat in a crosshatch pattern, making sure that you slice all the way through the fat and through the membrane between the fat and the meat. 



You don't want to slice too far into the meat as this will expose more of the meat to drying out.  Next rub on a generous amount of hot sauce on the roast.  I cover just the top of the roast, my sister covers the entire roast.

Now you need to heavily salt the fat, this pulls the juices out of the fat and allows it to trickle down into the meat.  That's why you need to cut through the membrane between the fat in the meet so the juices can get through into the meat. 

Pork is very difficult to cook, it has a very narrow time between being undercooked and overcooked.  Pork is best when ever so slightly pink in the middle, not rare not even medium where but just barely pink.

Well now for the other half of the recipe. Its not only the ingredients it's also how and what you cook it with.  I preferred to cook it on a real charcoal grill (not charcoal bouquets, I use real hardwood lump charcoal the brand I use is Cowboy. I get it at Stow hardware up next to Shaw's).  I have made it in the oven, I ended up overcooking it. 

I start my charcoal with a charcoal chimney and newspaper.

(You'll never catch me using lighter fluid. yuck, I don't care how long you let the coals burn it still ends up permeating the meat). As the photo shows I make a tin foil catch pan in the grill with the charcoal on the left and right,


this prevents both flareups and overcooking the underside of the roast.  During the winter I've run into a problem with the air being so cold that it really sucks the heat out of the grill and makes it difficult to cook roasts.  So, I also make a tin foil shield to go over the roast that allows all the hot air to circulate and prevent the roast from steaming.  It's very loose fitting. 


Put the roast on the grill and allow it to slowly cook until it has reached an internal temperature of 140 (by my thermometer, I have no idea how accurate my thermometer is.  I do know that at 140 the roast is perfect). Remove the roast, cover with tin foil and allow to stand for 10 minutes and then carve. Mmm, Mmm Good.

I slightly overcooked this roast the meat thermometer was actually reading 145 when I took the roast off. It's still very good!   




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